
Radiation Therapy

Computed Tomography for Radiation Therapy

The SOMATOM CT Family offers a full range of solutions for radiation therapy from attractive entry level to high performance systems including the new dedicated SOMATOM Confidence® RT Pro designed for radiation therapy.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Radiation Therapy

The MAGNETOM RT Pro edition is a comprehensive package including hardware and software tailored to the needs of radiation oncology and is available for MAGNETOM Aera and MAGNETOM Skyra.

CT Simulation for Radiation Therapy

We’re opening the door to a new world of CT simulation. Find out how siemens Healthineers can help radiation therapists fight cancer on a whole new level

PET/CT for Radiation Therapy

PET/CT can help answer clinical questions that might not be answered using anatomical imaging alone. BiographTM PET/CT provides a combination of metabolic and morphological information, which has a major impact on therapy planning and evaluation of primary and recurrent tumors.

Software Solutions for Radiation Therapy

Software Solutions tailored to your Radiation Therapy needs.

Digital Solutions for Radiation Therapy

Software and AI-based solutions tailored to your radiation therapy needs.